My first JavaScript library to scroll smoothly between points on a website, built as a jQuery plugin.
When creating my personal site in 2016, fullscreen scrolling websites were all the rage. However, none of the open-source libraries available were what I was looking for; fullPage by Alvaro Trigo came close, but did not allow the centering of elements less than the height of the viewport. So I decided to create my own snap scrolling JavaScript library, snapScroll.js.
There is some controversy over “scroll-hijacking”, whereby a website overrides the native scrolling behavior of the browser to create its own interaction, which may confuse some visitors. For this reason, I removed snapScroll.js from my website.
SnapScroll.js was built as a jQuery plugin, in order to use jQuery’s scrollTo function. It revolves around adding snap points throughout the page, added via a data-snap-point
attribute, which determines the scrolling flow of the page. Custom jQuery easings enable the possibility of quirky scrolling, such as a bouncing effect at the bottom of the page.
SnapScroll.js was kindly supported by BrowserStack, in order to test browser support and find any problems with the scroll detection. SnapScroll.js supports the following browsers:
- Chrome ≥ 26
- Firefox ≥ 21
- Edge ≥ 14
- Opera ≥ 15
- Safari ≥ 6.2
- Internet Explorer not supported