Picnic Spots


Website created at HackBordeaux in 24 hours. View, add and review the best places to eat your tuna sandwiches.

Picnic Spots was created at HackBordeaux with another member of HackSheffield, in 24 hours. Picnic Spots allows you to find a perfect spot for your lunch, courtesy of user-submitted spots and reviews.

Screenshot of Picnic Spots, showing a map with locations and ratings

I created Picnic Spots with another team member from HackSheffield, Arnas Boruchovas. At first we were struggling to come up with an idea, so we took some time outside to have a break. Whilst searching for a place to eat our lunch, we had an idea—a website to find nice picnic spots!

Picnic Spots was created using:

  • Express for routing and middleware
  • EJS for templating
  • Sass for styling
  • Passport for authentication
  • Mapbox for the interactive map